Fiche cheval kaapse klopse

R2C3platcourse a conditions 13803kenilworth1200M5836freemanstallions maiden plate16 partantsdépart à 11:15
115the real princeM3Inéditc zackey14/1
22song to the moonM36pg van niekerk6.3/12 l
35kaapse klopseM32p2p9p4p4pr fourie2.7/11 l 3/4
43sootyH30pd ashby73/11/4 l
513holding thumbsM3Inéditr danielson20/11 l 1/4
64night bomberH36p3p8pl mxothwa6.9/11/2 l
711the us of aM3Inéditb fayd'herbe87/11/2 l
88run for meH45p4p2p6p4pg cheyne9.3/11/2 l
912plus fourM37p8p3pa domeyer9.3/11/2 l
1016colonel greenH37p9p6p6pg lerena49/12 l
119pleasedtoseeyouH39pc orffer37/1nez
1210rougarouinH36p6p6pm winnaar37/11 l 1/4
137island masterM39p0pa mgudlwa85/13/4 l
141old qH36pj p v'd merwe26/11 l 3/4
1514spencerM3Inéditc bantam54/11/4 l
166lasting influenceM38pj solomons77/11 l 3/4

R2C2platcourse a conditions 18226durbanville1250M5349series maiden plate14 partantsdépart à 10:05
1tenangoM33pa domeyer/1
2nordic chiefM35pc orffer/1
3house of sussexM38p0pb fayd'herbe/1
4spelling beeM3Inéditc zackey/1
5bittermintM3Inéditj p v'd merwe/1
6oriental charmM3Inéditr danielson/1
7run for meH42p6p4p5p4pa andrews/1
8he's a gaulM30pc bantam/1
9lindberghH32p6p5p8pg van niekerk/1
10double distilledM3Inéditd ashby/1
11dontstopbelievin'H3Inéditg wright/1
12willie johnM3Inéditk matsunyane/1
13prince of tibetH3Inéditj gates/1
14kaapse klopseM34p4pr fourie/1

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